A designer's research manual : succeed in design by knowing your clients + understanding what they really need / by Jenn + Ken Visocky O'Grady.
By: Visocky O'Grady, Jennifer [author.].
Contributor(s): Visocky O'Grady, Kenneth [author.].
Material type:
Includes bibliographical references and index.
1. An overview of research in graphic design : What is research-driven design? -- What research can + can't do -- What is person-first design? : Person-first philosophies ; User-centered design ; Human-centered design ; Expert voice : Mike Bond -- Historical perspectives : Bauhaus beginnings ; The perfect couple ; We've been watching you ; Don't tell me, show me -- Emerging opportunities in design research : Experience design ; User research ; Design strategy -- Design creates value : Design + investment ; The design staircase -- 2. Research strategies and tactics : Big concepts in research : Quantitative + qualitative research ; Primary + secondary research ; Formative + summative research ; Basic + applied research -- Triangulation -- Strategy: Literature review : Communication audit ; Competitor profiling -- Strategy: Ethnographic research : Contextual inquiry ; Observational research ; Photo ethnography ; Self ethnography ; Unstructured interviews ; Visual anthropology ; Expert voice : Ashwini Deshpande -- Strategy: Marketing research : Demographics ; Psychographics ; Focus Groups ; Surveys + questionnaires -- Strategy: User experience : A/B testing ; Analytics ; Card sorting ; Eye tracking ; Paper prototyping ; Expert voice : Jenny Lam ; Personas -- Strategy: Visual exploration : Color psychology ; Mood boards ; Sketching -- 3. Practicing a research-driven approach : Managing the design process: you need a plan -- Iterative design -- Design Council's double diamond process -- Information literacy, The Big6 (TM) + The Super3 (TM) -- Research planning : KWHL tables ; Logic models -- Research analysis : Sample framework to help structure ; Sample framework to help empathize -- Research summary reports and creative briefs : Research summary reports ; Creative briefs ; Expert voice : Megan Fath ; Cumulative documentation -- Project spotlights : Bond & Coyne: AUB brand strategy ; CO:LAB: Asset Promise ; GFDA: BEAM strategy ; Hallmark Creative: Studio Ink ; IBM Design: IBM Design research ; Expert voice: Elizabeth Pastor + GK VanPatter ; Lippincott: Hyatt Place ; Red Jotter: Know Sugar ; Rule29: Wheels4Water ; The Veterans Experience Office: enhancing veterans' experiences ; Willoughby Design: Live Blue -- Glossary of terms.
"Understanding the wishes of a client and the needs and preferences of the audience drives innovation. The ability to gather research, analyze findings, and apply them to project goals is as important to successful design teams as their conceptual and aesthetic skills. This essential handbook will help readers understand what design research is and why it is necessary, outline proven techniques and methods, and explain how to incorporate them into any creative process."--Page 4 of cover.
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