Your search returned 4 results.

1. Books
Economic, engineering and environmental feasibilty study for non-motorized Chao Phraya riverside streets : executive summary report / Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning, Ministry of Transport.

by Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning | Panya Consultants Co., Ltd | A21 Consultants Co., Ltd | Ongsa Architects Co., Ltd | Naresuan University.

Material type: book Book; Format: print ; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized; Publisher: Bangkok : Office of Transport and Traffic Policy and Planning, Ministry of Transport, 2015Other title: Executive summary report economic, engineering and environmental feasibilty study for non-motorized Chao Phraya riverside streets.Accession number(s): 2017000003585.Availability: Items available for loan: Main Campus [Call number: TE175 E266 2015] (1).

2. Books
Summary the ninth national economic and social development plan (2002-2006) / National Economic and Social Development Board, Office of the Prime Minister

by Thailand. Office of the Prime Minister. National Economic and Social Development Board.

Material type: book Book; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized; Publisher: Bangkok : The Board, 2002Accession number(s): 200501190079, 200501190080.Availability: Items available for loan: Main Campus [Call number: HC445 T424S 2002] (1).

3. Books
The eighth national economic and social development plan (1997-2001) / National Economic and Social Development Board, Office of the Prime Minister

by Thailand. Office of the Prime Minister. National Economic and Social Development Board.

Material type: book Book; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized; Publisher: Bangkok : The Board, [1997]Accession number(s): 200501110004.Availability: Items available for loan: Main Campus [Call number: HC445 T424E 1997] (1).

4. Books
The ninth national economic and social development plan (2002-2006) / National Economic and Social Development Board, Office of the Prime Minister

by Thailand. Office of the Prime Minister. National Economic and Social Development Board.

Material type: book Book; Literary form: Not fiction ; Audience: Specialized; Publisher: Bangkok : The Board, 2002Accession number(s): 200401050216, 200401050217.Availability: Items available for loan: Main Campus [Call number: HC445 T424N 2002] (1).

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